The Members of Renew Europe salute Kadri Simson’s commitment to make Europe’s Green Deal a success. During her hearing she showed the resolve and the ambition to make Europe the world’s leader in becoming climate-neutral, while at the same time boosting our competitiveness. During the hearing, she showed the level of ambition Europe needs right now and furthermore answered the written questions in great detail. That is why she received the unanimous support of our Group.
ITRE-coordinator Martina Dlabajová (Czech Republic) said: “"Simson demonstrated a clear vision of the energy transition ahead as well as commitment to climate neutrality. She rightly insisted that the way forward is innovation and green finance which will also ensure the Union's future competitiveness. She performed well and has strong support from Renew Europe.“
ITRE Vice-Chair Morten Petersen (Denmark) added: “I salute her commitment to give offshore wind power a crucial role in Europe’s green transformation. This is absolutely necessary, since Europe sits on some of the best offshore wind resources in the world.”
Renew Europe Vice-President Katalin Cseh (Hungary) stressed that the Member States' National Energy and Climate Plans must reflect our common goals to make Europe greener, more sustainable and more energy efficient: “One of Ms. Simson’s challenges will be to avoid an East-West divide. She will have to help and encourage governments of high emission intensity countries to reorient their energy and climate policies to facilitate their energy transition in a way that truly reflects common EU targets."
Claudia Gamon (Austria) concluded: "Simson showed the necessary ambition to enhance the development of renewable energy capacities in the Union and ensure that Union policies and financial instruments are smart and free of unnecessary bureaucratic burden.“