Cookies policy

What is a cookie?

Most websites you visit use cookies in order to improve your user experience. They enable websites to ‘remember’ you – either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’).Cookies can have a host of different functions. They let you navigate between pages efficiently, storing your preferences and generally improving your experience of a website. Cookies make the interaction between you and the website faster and easier.

For more information about how cookies work, visit

What should you do if you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer?

You can block some or all cookies or even delete cookies which have already been stored. Please be aware that this might cause you to lose certain functions. You need to change your browser’s privacy settings in order to do this.

Some third-party operators have their own tools for disabling data collection.

Third-party cookies

Third-party websites, for example Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Maps, may set cookies for sharing content on social networks or for producing access statistics. The presence, number and status of cookies may depend on how you use these platforms before or while visiting the Renew Europe Group’s website. By accepting third-party cookies, you may be targeted for advertising purposes.

You should check what the relevant websites’ policy is on social networking cookies in the relevant sections of their websites. You can also update your cookie settings for this website any time by following the ‘Change cookie preferences’ link at the bottom of the page.

What is a web beacon?

A web beacon, also known as a pixel tag, tracking pixel, or clear GIF, is a tiny, transparent, graphic image that is placed on a website or in an email. Web beacons are usually used together with cookies to monitor user behavior on websites or to track the performance of email marketing campaigns and collect user statistics about the webpage visits.
