Children right’s in the digital world


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210830 Children and digital webinar Twitter

The objective of the webinar is to position Renew Europe as a frontrunner in securing a free and safe internet for children. Therefore, we would like to map out the status quo regarding the position of children online, using data collected from renowned researchers in the field, shed light on and feed into recent policy developments in the area of online child safety.

Among others, we will draw attention to the recently adopted General Comment No. 25 of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, EU legislative initiatives such as the DSA, DMA, legislation against child sexual abuse and on AI, as well as a possible future Code of Conduct for Online Companies and the upcoming EU Better internet Strategy.

Furthermore, we would like to discuss best practices from several countries in Europe and beyond. What can we learn from these tools and examples and how could they feed into the upcoming legislation and EU strategy for kids online?

Finally, based on the outcome of the webinar we wish to draft a Renew Europe one-pager with concrete recommendations for the upcoming legislative framework and EU Better internet for Kids strategy, which we would present to the European Commission afterthe meeting. We will ask experts beforehand to incorporate one or two recommendations in their presentation.

The webinar will be divided in two panels. The first panel will be hosted by MEP Liesje Schreinemacher and the focus will be mainly on the challenges and opportunities related to children as vulnerable consumers on the internet. The second panel will be hosted by MEP Hilde Vautmans and will focus on the fight against online child sexual abuse online.

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