The Industrial Emissions Directive. What's next?

Renew Europe invites you to join the webinar on the Industrial
Emissions Directive, taking place on 21 March from 9:30 – 12:00.
This webinar is hosted by our Members Michal Wiezik and Jérémy Decerle.
Why is it time for a debate on the Industrial Emissions Directive?
activities and the intensive rearing of livestock are responsible for emissions
of harmful substances to air, water and soil. Pollution caused by these
emissions can lead to health problems and create damage to our ecosystems.
European rules to reduce industrial emissions have existed for 15 years, but to
achieve the objectives of the Green Deal and the zero-pollution ambition, they
require an update.
This is why the European Commission has presented proposals to
modernise the Industrial Emissions Directive last year. The revision aims to
cover more sources of emissions, make permitting more effective, reduce
administrative costs, increase transparency and give more support to innovation
and breakthrough technologies. Renew Europe welcomes this update, to make sure
we achieve our climate goals, and believes the time is right for an in depth
discussion with all stakeholders to make sure the new rules will work for
Streaming link
Draft programme
09:30-09:45 Welcoming and introductory remarks
by hosting MEPs Michal Wiezik, and Jérémy Decerle
09:45-09:55 Introduction of the Proposal amending the 2010 Directive
The European Commission (Christopher Allen DHoU D4 DG ENV tbc)
Expert presentations from involved sectors
- 09:55-10:05 Business Europe- (Alexandre Affre, DDG responsible for the Industrial Affairs tbc)
- 10:05-10:15 European Environmental Bureau (Christian Schaible, Head of Zero Pollution team)
- 10:15-10:25 EurEau (Sébastien Mouret, policy officer responsible, tbc)
- 10:25-10:35 ECOLAB as representative of technology providers (Geoff Townsend tbc)
- 10:35-10:45 farmers´ representative (Christiane Lambert, President of FNSEA)
- 10:45-10:55 Clientearth (Bellinda Bartolucci)
10:55-11:35 Q&A
11:35-11:40 closing remarks ( shadow of the lead Committee Michal Wiezik)