Equality and LGBTIQ rights across Africa and Europe
European Parliament | room ASP5G1

Both in Africa and Europe we see continued challenges to achieving equality between citizens of all sexual orientations and gender identities. There are legal and administrative obstacles to equal rights, but also hate campaigns and even physical attacks against LGBTIQ people. LGBTIQ-phobic agendas are pushed by conservative groups with networks across both continents and beyond, especially the US. The threats to equality across Africa and Europe can thus not be seen in isolation but require a comprehensive analysis and a common set of actions.
This visit would bring NGOs and parliamentarians from African countries to the European Parliament, to exchange on issues of equality, in particular LGBTIQ rights. In particular, it would bring the NGO "SMUG" (Sexual Minorities Uganda) as well as lawmakers from Uganda and, if possible, from other African countries. The visit would include an internal workshop with Brussels-based NGOs and MEPs, including from Renew4Equality and from the LGBTI intergroup, and a public meeting with MEPs.
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12.00 - 13.00 Lunch at the EP members restaurant
Public meeting with MEPs, the Commission, and civil society on common challenges for LGBTIQ+ rights across Africa and European Parliament (13.00 - 15.00 CET)
13.00 Key note speech: Comissioner Dalli (tbc)
13.10 Panel moderated by Sophie in ‘t Veld (tbc)
- Frank Mugisha, Head and founder of Sexual Minorities Uganda
- Katrin Hugendubel (tbc) executive director of ILGA-Europe
- Kabusu Moses (tbc) Member of Ugandan Parliament
- Kakembo Michael (tbc) Member of Ugandan Parliament
14.10 Q&A
14.35 Closing keynote speech: Joint Parliamentary Assembly Co-President MEP Carlos Zorrinho (PT/Renew) (tbc)
14.45 Closing remarks: MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld (NL/Renew) and MEP Pierre Karleskind (FR/Renew) (tbc)