European Media Freedom Act
Hearing with journalists, academics and industry experts | Interpretation EN - FR

A free and independent media is a central pillar for any healthy democratic society. In light of the legislative work in the European Parliament regarding the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), this event aims to reflect on the horizontal issues regarding the media markets in Member States as well as some country specifics in order to allow MEPs to map out and propose efficient solutions.
Why do we need a strong and binding European Media Freedom Act?
The upcoming legislation is a response to worrying trends in media freedom across the EU. It aims at advancing the internal market in the media sector and protecting media freedom, pluralism, and independence in the European single market. The EMFA will benefit all different stakeholders: media companies, public service media, journalists and media professionals.
Watch our webinar LVE
10:00-10:15 Opening remarks by Commissioner Jourova (TBC)
10:15-10:50 Panel 1 - Academic perspective (chaired by Irena Joveva MEP)
- Beata Klimkiewicz, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- Marko Milosavljević, Professor at Faculty for Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
- Gábor Polyák, Associate Professor at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies of the University of Pécs and Head of Research at Mertek Media Monitor
10:50-11:25 Panel 2 - Journalists perspective (chaired by Ramona Strugariu MEP)
- Cristina Lupu, Centre for Independent Journalism
- Oliver Money-Kyrle, International Press Institute
- Antoine Bernard, Reporters Without Borders
11:25-12:00 Panel 3 - Industry perspective (chaired by Andrus Ansip MEP)
- Mads Brandstrup, CEO, Association of Danish Media
- Mari Männiko, Attorney at Law, PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal Estonia
- Christophe Tardieu, Secretary General, France Télévisions
12:00-12:20 Q&A session
12:20-12:30 Closing remarks
****** Interpretation EN - FR