Renew Europe Webinar "Towards a Carbon Neutral Europe - How will the EU energy-intensive industry reach the targets?"



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EU’s target to reduce its CO2 emissions by 60 % by 2030 represents a great challenge to the EU. Between 1990 and 2018, in 28 years, we have managed to cut our emissions by 22 %. Going the rest of the way in 10 years will not be easy.

Crucial to the solving of this equation is to determine what role the ETS should play and what the role of the burden sharing sector will be. Likewise, in view of the increased ambition, how will the reduction targets be distributed among the Member States? This event will look to provide answers to the following questions:

  • How will the EU achieve its targets of reducing emissions?
  • How will the EU distribute the reductions between the sectors covered by the EU ETS, which already include central industry and energy production, and sectors outside the EU ETS, such as agriculture and transport?
  • How can green gases such as Green Hydrogen and Biomethane help energy-intensive industries?
  • How can we take the necessary action while preventing carbon leakage?
  • How will the EU targets be distributed among the Member States? Will they remain objectives or will they become obligations? How can the EU facilitate reaching these targets?
  • How can EU instruments, such as the Just Transition Mechanism, contribute to these efforts?

Streaming Page

Welcome & Introduction

14:30 - 14:40 MEP Mauri Pekkarinen and MEP Christophe Grudler

Keynotes: Reaching EU’s emission targets - how will we get there?

14:40 -15:30 Catharina Sikow Magny, Acting Director

Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission

A view from the forest industry

Riikka Joukio, Senior Vice President, Climate and Circular Economy, Metsä Group

A view from the research and development actors

Florence Delprat-Jannaud, Head of the CCS programme at IFP Energies Nouvelles and President of the Club CO2


Panel discussion - How to decarbonise production in energy-intensive industry?

15:30 - 16:25 Harri Leppänen, Director, Environment and Safety, SSAB

Marko Janhunen, Director, Public Affairs,UPM

Jukka Leskelä, CEO, Finnish Energy

Philippe Boulanger, Director of Public Affairs, H2V Industry

Renaud Batier, Secretary General, Cerame-Unie

Jean-Marie Gauthey, Head of European Affairs, GRDF

Moderator: Riku Huttunen, Director General of the Energy Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Finland



16:25 - 16:30 MEP Mauri Pekkarinen and MEP Christophe Grudler


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