Central and Eastern Europe at energy crossroad: Challenges and Opportunities for the Renewable Energy

The webinar should contribute to the ongoing discussion in Renew and several committees on the possibilities of CEEs to reach the climate neutrality target. It should support Renew´s Members in its legislative tasks and in the negotiations with other groups on the related dossiers (E.G. TEN-E Regulation Review, Just Transition Fund, Resilience and Recovery Facility).
The focus is on the CEEs as the transition towards climate neutral economy puts a pressure on their energy transformation, particularly considering that the share of renewables in these countries is still below the rest of the EU. Increasing the share of sustainably sourced renewables and ensuring wind of change is vital to reach their climate neutrality.
This event will look to provide answers to the following questions:
- What is the state of play of Renewable energy (RES) in the Central and Eastern European countries? Where is the untapped potential?
- How can the CEEs countries increase their ambitions in National Energy and Climate Plans and fill the gaps between the plans and the potential of RES?
- How to unleash the power of community renewables?
- What is the role of public and private money and how to support investments in sustainable assets?
- Which economic sectors have the biggest potential to increase the share of renewables in the next decade?
- What can the countries where the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine do?
- How to create a market place for renewables?
What are the impacts of the RED II and the upcoming plans of the European Commission?
13:00 -13:10 Welcome & Introduction
- MEPs Martin Hojsík and Morten Helveg Petersen
13:10 -14:00 Keynotes
- Hans van Steen, Acting Director on Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, DG ENER, European Commission,
Groundbreaking technologies in the CEEs, funding and market opportunities
- Igor Kocis, CEO, GA Drilling Slovakia, a view from the geothermal industry
- Máté Urfi, ConsulTech Europe, a view from the PV sector
14:00 - 15:00 Panel discussion: The future of RES in CEEs: Opportunities and obstacles
- Moderator: Martin Hojsík
- Julian Popov, Fellow of the European Climate Foundation, Chairman of the Business Performance Institute Europe
- Antonín Fejfar, Martin Ledinský, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, participants in the Nextbase project
- Kristína Šabová, Frank Bold Society
- Juraj Zamkovský, Executive director in CEPA-Friends of the Earth
- Jan Palaščák, CEO Amper Holding, founder of CO2IN project
15:00 -15:20 Q&A discussion
15:20 -15:30 Conclusion
- MEP Morten Petersen and MEP Martin Hojsík