ARACHNE - a success story in addressing fraud in EU funds?




ARACHNE is an integrated IT tool for data mining that has been developed by the European Commission since 2009. Its goal is to support managing authorities and intermediate bodies in their administrative controls and management checks on European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund and European Social Fund projects.

ARACHNE is also foreseen to be used for the CAP payments as from the next programming period 2023-2027. The data mining tool is for the moment used on voluntary basis, while an implementation report in 2025 should assess the possibility to move towards obligatory use.

The aim of this webinar is to look more in depth at the data mining tool developed by the European Commission, how it is used today, how effective it is shown to be and how far it should be expanded in the future. Seeking for best practices between Member States, identifying loopholes in the real implementation and identifying possible best usage of the actual tool are among the main aims of this exchange of views with the European Representatives and the Member States.

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Opening session

10.00 Welcome & introductory remarks

Ms Ulrike Müller, Renew Europe MEP, AGRI coordinator

10.15-10.45 Panel I - Why was the tool created and how does it work?

Chaired by Atizdhe Alieva-Veli

  • Mr Luis Velasco, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion & Ms Mariya Ilieva, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Ms Charlotte Arwidi - OLAF, Head of Unit Fraud Prevention, Reporting and Analysis

10.45-11.15 Panel II - What are the practical experiences with the tool in Member States?

Chaired by Martin Hlaváček

  • Mr Vlado Vujadinovic, Representative from Slovenia

11.15 - 11.30 Debate and questions from the floor

Closing session and conclusions

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