RE Roundtables | The future is now - is Europe ready for the AI revolution?



RE Roundtables SM Latvia Artificial Intelligence Landscape

Let us discover together the latest in the development, implementation and legislation of generative AI in the world, Europe and Latvia. We will discuss the opportunities of introducing AI in higher education, science and public administration in Europe and in workshops, we will develop ideas for specific solutions in education, science and public administration, and the policies needed to implement them.

The conference will bring together leading Latvian experts and stakeholders in education, science, governance and AI. AI experts and innovators from the academic and business world will talk about the latest developments in the development, use and regulation of AI. Insights into the European Union's leadership in AI will be provided by Andrus Ansip MEP, who as Estonian Prime Minister and EU Commissioner has led his country's and the EU's digital transformation. In the afternoon, participants will develop ideas for concrete solutions in education, science and governance, and the necessary policies, in a series of hands-on workshops. And online, everyone will also get a very practical insight into the use of AI tools in a three-hour hands-on presentation by Artūrs Mednis.

Conference | Registration form

Ivars Ijabs un Renew Europe grupa Eiropas Parlamenta aicina uz konferenci “Nākotne ir tagad – vai Eiropa ir gatava mākslīgā intelekta revolūcijai?” un praktiskiem semināriem par AI izmantošanu izglītībā, zinātnē un vadībā.

Konference pulcēs Latvijas vadošos izglītības, zinātnes, pārvaldes un AI lietpratējus un interesentus. Par jaunākajiem sasniegumiem AI attīstībā, izmantošanā un regulējumā stāstīs AI lietpratēji un entuziasti no akadēmiskās un biznesa pasaules.

Ieskatu Eiropas Savienības līderībā AI jomā sniegs Eiropas Parlamenta deputāts Andruss Ansips, kurš kā Igaunijas premjers un ES komisārs ir vadījis savas valsts un ES digitālo pārveidi. Pēcpusdienā konferences dalībnieki klātienē vairākos darbsemināros izstrādās idejas konkrētu risinājumu ieviešanai izglītībā, zinātnē un pārvaldē, kā arī tam nepieciešamajām rīcībpolitikām.

Savukārt visi tiešsaitē varēs gūt arī ļoti praktisku ieskatu AI rīku izmantošanā, kuru trīs stundu ilgā praktiskā prezentācijā sniegs Artūrs Mednis.

Hackathon | Registration form


9:30-10:00 Morning coffee and networking

10:00-10:30 Opening remarks

  • Tālis JUHNA, Rector of Riga Technical University
  • Aigars PETERSONS, Rector, Riga Stradins University
  • Anda ČAKŠA, Minister of Education and Science
  • Juris BINDE, Director, Latvijas Mobilais Telefons

10:30-12:30 Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, Science and Governance

Short stories and case studies from industry

  • Ivars IJABS, Member of the European Parliament
  • Andrejs VASILIEVS, CEO, Tilde
  • Kaspars BĒRZIŅŠ, IT Shared Services Centre for Higher Education and Science
  • Elīna LĪDERE, Head of LMT Innovation Ecosystems and Member of the Board of RigaTechGirls
  • Ivars SVILĀNS, Head of LETA Data Services

12:30-13:00 Introduction to the workshops

Presentation by Miķelis BENDIKS

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:30 Presentation "Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age" (in English)

  • Andrus ANSIPS, Member of the European Parliament, Renew Europe

14:30-17:00 Workshops "Design Thinking Workshop on the Practical Application of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, Science and Governance"

Moderated by: Miķelis BENDIKS, Participants:

  • University representatives at Vice-Rector level
  • MI experts
  • Public governance institutions
  • MI and science influencers
  • Media representatives
  • Representatives of local authorities, parliament and government

14:30-17:00 Parallel live sessions on "Putting AI tools into practice"

Moderated by Arthurs Mednis, CEO, New Black Agency TVNET

17:00-17:30 Workshop presentations and conference wrap-up

Moderated by: Ivars IJABS

17:30-18:00 Wine, snacks and networking


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