Artificial Intelligence - Made in Europe: The EU's chance to deliver global technological leadership

Ahead of the publication of the Commission's White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, Renew Europe is the first political group to present a comprehensive vision about the use of AI in Europe, considering the key political implications for the current legislative period. The position paper published today will be presented at our Group meeting to European Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager and Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton, who are overseeing the continent's digital transition and enhancing Europe’s technological sovereignty.
Our group firmly believes that AI can make a huge contribution to help improving the lives of European citizens and fostering prosperity within the EU. Nevertheless, differing national legislations would prevent us from reaching this goal. Therefore we propose investment capacities, data infrastructure, research, and the definition of common ethical norms to be regulated on the European level. Our goal is to establish a framework, which enables the development of trustworthy, ethically responsible and technically robust AI. This should include legislative actions where needed, starting with mandatory measures to prevent practices that could undermine fundamental rights and freedoms.
Andrus ANSIP, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection said:
"Defining a common European approach to AI is necessary to avoid that Member States take national measures that will result in a fragmented European framework instead of a single market. As we know, AI is all about data. The availability of data is essential for training AI systems. Making more data available and improving the way in which data is used is crucial for tackling societal challenges, contributing to greener, healthier and more prosperous societies."
Nicola BEER, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy commented:
"Artificial Intelligence is our gateway to a prosperous and thriving future. It is a key technology which Europe must harness if it is to remain one of the largest economies in the world and especially to help us act as a global player. Let's create high European standards on the basis of our values in order to guarantee AI's transparency and accountability to citizens worldwide. This is the only way to deliver an ambitious global answer to the US and China. Let's make it fair. Let's get it right!"
Stéphane SÉJOURNÉ, Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs said:
"Europe's digital sovereignty will depend on our ability to develop our technological competitiveness and ensure a model of society in line with our values. As the debate on the European strategy on Artificial Intelligence opens, our Political Group will be committed to defend an operational framework based on these two fundamental dimensions".
Dragoş TUDORACHE, Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs explained:
„With a renewed sense of purpose, focused on the digital future and the environment -- the most important challenges and opportunities of the century -- the European Union has a unique window of opportunity to get it right and to lead on the global stage when it comes to Artificial Intelligence. We must set a global example -- creating an environment where European AI can both thrive and support the common good and the rights and freedoms of our citizens. We can achieve this through a future-proof, staged and differentiated approach to regulation. In parallel, we need to coordinate in international fora such as the OECD or the G20 with like-minded partners, in order to imprint our European vision on the global future of Artificial Intelligence.”
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Please click here for our position paper on IA.