Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - Towards a new business model in the EU



Renew Europe welcomes the European Commission’s legislative proposal for the revision of the non-financial reporting Directive (NFRD). Renew Europe is committed to make sure that the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will ensure that companies provide information on the sustainability of their business practices in a transparent and comparable manner.

MEP Pascal DURAND (Renaissance, France), Renew Europe rapporteur on sustainable corporate governance.

“Looking at the bigger picture, the revision of the Non-financial reporting Directive shall contribute to shaping a new business model, an EU and sustainable one, whose transparency norms should spin-off to other parts of the world thanks to the weight of the single market.“

The future legislation will mean that companies but also civil society could get the information they need to evaluate the ambition and environmental performance of companies.

“For Corporate Sustainability Reporting to work and be reliable, environmental, social and corporate governance data and forward-looking strategies must be scrutinised by an independent and objective audit”, explains Pascal Durand.



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