The European Commission must defend EU’s interests and reverse the decision to appoint Mrs Fiona Scott Morton as Chief Economist of DG Competition

Author: Lucian Goleanu
The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament opposes the appointment of Mrs Fiona Scott Morton as Chief Economist of DG Competition in the European Commission.
In a letter initiated by the President of Renew Europe Group, Stéphane Séjourné and co-signed by Manfred Weber, Iratxe García Pérez and Philippe Lamberts, addressed to Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, the four leaders ask the Commission to reverse the decision taken by the College on July 11.
“We learnt with dismay the appointment of Mrs Fiona Scott Morton as Chief Economist of DG Competition.
Though we recognize the European Commission’s prerogative for its internal recruitments, it cannot contradict with the general principles, interests and objectives of our Union.
At a time of intense scrutiny of our Institutions vis-a-vis foreign interference, we fail to understand the consideration of non-EU candidates for such a high-ranking and strategic position.
At a time of the important implementation of the DMA, we are very concerned about the opposite views she publicly expressed and the potential conflict of interests between her new role and her previous functions with large American tech companies.
At a time of worldwide economic competition, we remain very attached to an independent industrial policy as well as the digital sovereignty of our continent.”