Von der Leyen II carries the Renew Europe hallmark

Author: Clara De Melo Ponce

Renew Europe welcomes the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen, as President of the European Commission. The political programme outlined by the new President of the Commission largely reflects Renew Europe’s legislative priorities, on security and defence, a more competitive Europe, non-regression on the Green Deal and measures to protect democracy and better defend against attacks on the Rule of Law in Europe.
We are pleased that Mrs von der Leyen has committed to reform, including a right of initiative for the European Parliament, the need for Treaty Change and progress on accession for candidate countries, including Ukraine and Moldova.
However, Renew Europe will be steadfast as the Parliament’s pro-European group to ensure the full implementation of the von der Leyen II programme and the Renew Europe priorities it contains. Pro-European forces will be key to keep Europe on track. Flirtation with the far-right and the far-left is the road to failure. Europe must be protected and strengthened, in the best interests of Europeans.
Commenting after the election of Ursula von der Leyen, Valérie Hayer, President of Renew Europe, said:
"Europeans expressed themselves clearly on the 9th June, by bringing back a strong pro-European majority. We welcome the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen, who must move quickly to ensure Europe is fit for the fast moving world we see before our eyes. The von der Leyen II Commission carries the Renew Europe hallmark. Liberals and centrists have secured strong wins; for a stronger European defence, on the need for increased competitiveness and the defence of our values. We will be forensic in insisting that the commitments given by Mrs von der Leyen are delivered. This is the time for bold action and hope. Renew Europe will be will always be a demanding partner, but a reliable one."
Note to Editors: please read here the letter sent to Mrs von der Leyen with our key demands.