From EUROPOL towards a European FBI: Boosting the Union's law enforcement capacities



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In recent years, the Member States’ law enforcement authorities have increasingly made use of the support and expertise that Europol, the EU Agency for law enforcement cooperation, offers to fight serious crime and terrorism across borders. The operational importance of some of the Agency’s tasks has changed substantially, also in response to emerging security threats and calls from Member States for stronger EU support for the work of their law enforcement. The European Commission is expected to present at the end of 2020 (Q4) a legislative proposal on strengthening EUROPOL’s mandate.

RENEW LIBE team is working on a position paper regarding the future EUROPOL agency (project already endorsed in working group D) RENEW would like to have and which reinforcements, changes in the mandate, RENEW would like to call for (adoption of the Group position paper foreseen for October).

In this framework, the RENEW event would gather diverse stakeholders and high-level experts to feed into the reflexions and the position paper work being done.

11H00: Introduction by MEP Maite Pagazaurtundúa

11H10 - 12H00: Panel n°1, Strengthen EUROPOL’s mandate to fight against serious
organised crime and terrorism,
Moderated by MEP Fabienne Keller

  • Tom Snels, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ylva
  • Catherine De Bolle, EUROPOL Director
  • Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor

Q&A session

12H00 - 12H50: Panel n°2 - A stronger EUROPOL needed to reply to new and evolving
Moderated by MEP Moritz Körner

  • Pierre Berthelet, Researcher on police cooperation, CREOGN (Gendarmerie - Melun),
    CESICE (Univ. Grenoble) / CERIC (Univ. Marseille/Aix-en-Provence)
  • Alfredo García Miravete, Head of Spanish Liaison Bureau at EUROPOL
  • Jean-Jacques Colombi, General Commissioner, Advisor to the General Director of
    French National Judicial Police, Head of the International and European Affairs Unit

    Q&A session

12H50-13H00: Concluding remarks by MEP Morten Petersen


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