The European Parliament will adopt tomorrow a resolution proposed and negotiated by the Renew Europe group on the situation of cross border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. Renew Europe calls for EU legislation to be correctly implemented in order to guarantee the right to free movement, decent housing, social security coverage, applicable working and employment conditions and health and safety requirements for the 1,5 million cross-border workers in the EU as well as to strengthen the internal market. This Renew Europe initiative was subscribed to by almost all political groups and is expected to be endorsed by a large majority of the Members of the European Parliament.
Dacian Ciolos, President of Renew Europe said:
“These last months, more than ever, the economic interdependence of the Member States has been brought to light. One of its beating hearts are people that never make the headlines: seasonal workers. Unfortunately, they were neglected both before and during the pandemic.
Seasonal workers are essential for strategic economic sectors and must be guaranteed equal treatment and protection with their local counterparts. They have been the symbol of a much-needed and interdependent Europe, but also of the limits and abuses that take place when we do not have clear rules, uniformly applied. It is high time to provide seasonal workers common standards and rules at the level of the European Union, worthy of the 21st century for our seasonal workers."
Dragos Pislaru, Renew Europe Coordinator of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee who has lead negotiations on the resolution added:
“This resolution is dedicated to the millions of cross-border workers who are the symbol of free movement enshrined in our treaties and who bring prosperity to our key economic sectors.
It was a privilege to coordinate this widely supported Renew initiative calling on the Commission and the member states to better protect workers’ rights and promote fair mobility for improved resilience post-COVID-19.”