PM Janša in Strasbourg: Renew Europe will work with the Slovenian Presidency, but judges it on its respect for the Rule of Law and EU values



Since 1 July, Slovenia is leading the Presidency of the Council. On paper, Renew Europe embrace the priorities unveiled in Strasbourg today by Prime Minister Janša. However, in reality, our group has several concerns.

« The track record of the Prime Minister Janša in Slovenia means that we cannot take his words for granted. Unfortunately, Janez Janša seems to want to be part of a very sinister club that doesn’t appreciate free media, that cannot stomach the judiciary’s independence or respecting LGBTQ rights at all », declared Malik Azmani, First Vice-President of Renew Europe group in the European Parliament.

Renew Europe calls on Slovenian Prime Minister to appoint the European Delegated Prosecutors urgently, if not Renew Europe will ask the European Council not to approve Slovenia’s pandemic recovery fund money:

«The Commission should have never approved your Next Generation EU money before an independent Slovenian prosecutors are added to the EPPO. We will ask the Council to correct the Commission’s wrong and not approve of your funds before this is done»,s aid Malik Azmani, MEP.

Renew Europe calls on Slovenian Prime Minister to stop harassing journalists and judges:

«Dear Prime Minister, we do want to work with you. Renew Europe does want to help you make this Presidency a success. But we will do so based on the proof or your own words; Strengthen the rule of law and European values», concluded Renew Europe First Vice – President, Malik Azmani.

For more information, please contact

Jennifer Richard

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