European Parliament endorses Roadmap to make the EU an Artificial Intelligence leader




In the final report of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (AIDA), set to be adopted by the European Parliament today, Renew Europe calls for a regulatory framework to make the EU an AI-leader setting the global standards for an ethically responsible AI infrastructure that respects fundamental rights and supports innovation.

Our aim is to build human-centric AI, which will serve our people while respecting their privacy. The report encourages to use more solutions based on AI and is carried out by the sense of urgency. The European Union must significantly increase its investments in AI so we would have competitive solutions. I hope this report will lead the way in the development of AI in Europe”, said Andrus Ansip, Renew Europe's shadow rapporteur on the 'Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age' report.

Identifying the enormous benefits of using AI against climate change, pandemics and cyberattacks, as well as in the labour market, the report presents a roadmap of the steps the EU has to take to unlock the full potential of AI while also combating the challenges ahead.

Outlining several recommendations, the report seeks to level up efforts to prevent digital tools from becoming an instrument of manipulation in the hands of authoritarian regimes, establish an EU Cyber Defence Agency and prevent unnecessary administrative barriers for SMEs and start-ups.

Svenja Hahn, Renew Europe's Coordinator in the AIDA committee, added: “With the report of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence, the European Parliament defined its vision for the role of Artificial Intelligence in our societies. It is now crucial to implement the main takeaways in the upcoming AI Act. The EU's AI Regulation must foster tech innovation in Europe, supports start-ups and SMEs, guarantee civil rights and ensure consumer protection in the digital age.”

Dragoș Tudorache, chair of the AIDA Committee and rapporteur for the upcoming AI legislation, concluded: “Artificial Intelligence is no longer a technical subject. AI is political or, rather, it is geopolitical. I am happy that in our work in AIDA, and in the report, we did not shy away from taking geopolitical sides: we need closer cooperation with our likeminded, democratic, partners in setting the rules of the digital future. We need to make strategic choices, based on our values.

Read more here.


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