Business Days: let’s make the EU Single Market a window of opportunity for businesses!

Author: Alberto Cuena Vilches

Non-regulation is as bad as over-regulation, this is one of the main conclusions of the second and final day of the Business Days held at the European Parliament, a Renew Europe two-day major event dedicated to the main economic, business and industrial stakeholders with the aim of exchanging concerns, needs, solutions and recommendations to make the EU legislation fit for the new challenges of the business environment in an increasingly volatile and uncertain geopolitical context.
Chaired by our MEP and Vice-President Morten Løkkegaard, today's forum, dedicated to discuss the challenges and opportunities posed by the EU Single Market for European companies, included the participation of prominent personalities such as Margrethe Vestager, European Commission Executive Vice-President; Vitorio Colao, former CEO of Vodafone and former Minister of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition; Doris Birkhofer, President of Siemens France, or Robert Gentz, CEO of Zalando, among others.
The main topics discussed included the challenges posed by the implementation of the European Green Deal legislative package for energy companies and European industry to be at the forefront of a more sustainable growth, as well as the impact that legislation such as the DSA, the DMA or the Data Act have on the global competitiveness of European companies and on consumer privacy.
MEP Morten LØKKEGAARD (Venstre, Denmark’s liberal party), Renew Europe Vice-President and Chair of the working group on Economy and Digital Transformation of the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament, said:
“The Single Market is the crown jewel of the European Union, but the crown jewel is not shining as much as it supposed to. The impressive interest in our debates during Business Days are proof that European businesses are concerned about the state of the Single Market. As legislators, we need to find solutions for the issues faced in daily life by businesses and citizens, longing for more stability, predictability, we have three key priorities to help unleash the true potential of the EU Single Market: the need for more realistic assessments of future legislation, better coordination on implementation and enhanced focus on enforcement. We. Let’s renew the European business environment together!”