Renew Europe to Polish Presidency: Security, prosperity and freedoms are paramount for a new era of unpredictability

Author: Catherine Laurence Martens-Preiss

Security is the cornerstone of the Polish Presidency and rightly so. In times of profound geopolitical change, the EU cannot sleepwalk when it comes to its own defence. Europe must speed up plans to increase its own autonomy, invest in European defence and guarantee Ukraine’s security. It is essential for the EU to switch from a security consumer to a security provider. To that end, Renew Europe calls for a more integrated market for defence products, which would lead to greater economies of scale, to lower prices and more defence readiness. While fully endorsing the needed emphasis on security, Renew Europe calls on the EU Council to expand the scope in order to include also prosperity and freedom as key priorities to enable Europe’s leadership of a free world in all its dimensions.
Valérie Hayer, President of Renew Europe, said:
“Building a competitive, diversified and resilient EU economy is more important than ever. Neither the US, nor China are waiting for us. EU has to get back on track in the global game by to boosting economic competitiveness, by fostering innovation, by making strategic investments and by securing the overdue completion of the single market, paramount for the EU’s sustainability and independence.”
Focusing on Europe's defence operability and the Polish presidency's expected proposals on the way the next 7-year budget is financed, Michał Kobosko (Polska2050) said:
“A serious Defence Budget is key and our industry's support needs are enormous. The funds in the European budget as it stands are insufficient. We need a fiscal response to the tune of the American IRA. Without that level of commitment, Europe will not win the global race.”