Europe’s migration and asylum system is failing us: time for an ambitious way forward



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Renew Europe presents its vision to overhaul Europe’s Migration and Asylum Policy

Europe’s policy on migration and asylum is not fit for purpose in a changing world. European citizens rightly expect us to prevent a repeat of the 2015 migration and refugee crisis by putting in place sustainable migration and asylum policies.

This is why Renew Europe presents a new vision on migration and asylum to put Europe back into the driver’s seat. The presentation of this vision comes ahead of the European Commission's upcoming Pact on Migration and Asylum. Responsible European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson and Vice President of the European Commission Margaritas Schinas will attend the Renew Europe Group meeting on 14 January for a first exchange of views.

First Vice-President Malik Azmani (VVD, the Netherlands) co-author of the Renew Europe’s vision: “This paper is not about 'more' or 'less' migration, but about a clear framework for policies that deliver. We do not single out one proposal, but present a comprehensive approach to migration in order to show European citizens that we are in control. A future-proof migration and asylum policy is and will be one of the main priorities for Renew Europe.”

Jan-Christoph Oetjen (FDP, Germany) co-author of the vision: “We need to have the courage to search for common ground and workable solutions. The Renew Europe Group is ready to take that responsibility and be a solid partner in these discussions. In return, we wish to see an ambitious overhaul of current arrangements and the development of a true European Pact on Migration and Asylum based on our common values of solidarity, human rights and respect for the rule of law."

The Renew Europe vision for the European Pact on Migration and Asylum is based on six interlinked pillars and looks at all aspects of migration:

European migration policy in an international perspective, an asylum policy that works, a sustainable return and readmission policy, a well-managed external border - at land and sea, a coordinated European labour migration policy, and a sustainable approach to integration.

Please find “A Renew Europe Vision for a European Pact on Migration and Asylum” here.

For more information, please contact

Sándor Blasko

Tel : +32 2 283 00 89
Mob : +32 483 04 97 89


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