Ahead of this week’s presentation of the European Commission’s “Updated Skills Agenda for Europe”, the Renew Europe group adopted its Position Paper on Skills, outlining its vision and a set of actions on how the EU can help empower people to learn, develop and adapt their skills, especially with a view to the digital and green transition. MEPs of Renew Europe call for a new skills agenda at the very heart of Europe and put forward concrete proposals on how to upscale digital but also entrepreneurial skills, how to identify trends and strategic sectors as well as how to foster inclusiveness and facilitate the recognition and portability of skills within Europe.
MEP Ilana CICUREL, Member of the Committee on Culture and Education and Substitute of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, said:
“With this Position Paper, we in Renew Europe are ready to stand by European citizens, to defend their right to a quality and inclusive education. Europe must draw on exchange of best practice, pedagogical research, and market intelligence to adapt our education and training to the socio-economic challenges of our time. Informal and digital skills have proven to be more essential than ever. I want to fight for the recognition and portability of our professional skills across the continent. A European Apprenticeship Statute is a flagship measure. Our Union should invest in making us an educational power. For its young and older people to prosper. No one should be left standing by the road.”
MEP Laurence FARRENG, Coordinator of the Committee on Culture and Education, added:
"Young people are already the most affected by unemployment, and will be even more so in the coming crisis. We have to act now, later will be too late. We must prepare them for the skills of tomorrow, while preserving our traditional skills at the same time. Digital skills and the Green Deal must be at the heart of our strategy."
MEP Dragoș PÎSLARU, Coordinator of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, commented:
“For Europe to remain a world leader in science and technology, trade and development, but also human rights and welfare, we need to master the digital revolution. Digital education and skills, but also updated vocational training, must be one of our core objectives in the foreseeable future and I am proud that Renew Europe is at the forefront of this debate.”
Note to editors:
The Renew Europe position paper “Skills at the heart of Europe” is available here.