Conference on the Future of Europe ushers in a new era of citizen-led reform

Author: Hugues Stéphane Beaudouin
On Europe Day, Renew Europe has heralded a new era of pan - European citizen engagement and EU reform, as the Conference on the Future of Europe is set to get underway.
Dacian Cioloş, President of Renew Europe Group:
‘As the Conference on the Future of Europe finally gets underway, the starting gun has fired on a new era of citizen - led consultation and reform. The Conference is a unique and ground-breaking exercise in continental participative democracy. Renew Europe pushed for this innovative approach and we delivered it!"
"All of Europe’s problems will be put on the table and all solutions will be envisaged. It will be a Conference with the citizens and without taboos. We invite all citizens to participate and have their say on our common European destiny!"
A core initiative delivered by Renew Europe, the Conference is an unprecedented democratic exercise that will give European citizens a direct say on the Europe they want. All subjects will be up for debate, including the strengthening of democratic decision-making processes at European level.
Guy Verhofstadt MEP, the European Parliament’s co-chair of the executive board of the Conference, said:
‘EU citizens believe in Europe, but not this Europe. This is a unique chance for citizens and civil society to have their say on the Europe of tomorrow.
It is more than a mere listening exercise. All three institutions come together with citizens to decide on the way forward. We will make sure the Conference gathers the momentum needed to really renew Europe."
The first conclusions of this great debate will be drawn in one year's time, in the spring of 2022. They should take the form of concrete proposals for the future of Europe.
For more information, please contact
Hughes Beaudouin
Mob : +32 473 400 129