Our trans-European transport network must be adapted to the objectives of the Green Deal

The success of the European Green Deal largely depends on the decarbonisation of the transport sector and this objective is only tenable with an improvement and modernization of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) as a whole. This is the purpose of the legislative report adopted today by the Parliamentary Transport Committee (TRAN) on the revision of the TEN-T, which consolidates the governance of the network to be deployed by 2050, strengthens the role of the coordinators of the trans-European corridors, equips the European Commission to ensure the implementation of infrastructure projects recognized as being of European utility or to enact the standards necessary for the proper functioning and intermodality of the TEN-T.
Responding to a recurring criticism of European transport policy, Renew Europe relies on the rail sector to green European transport. Growing urbanization has also led the legislator to include the urban nodes that join the heart of the trans-European network, so that they can develop, with the help of the EU, a sustainable mobility plan.
Finally, the European Parliament intends to learn the lessons of the war in Ukraine, on the one hand by extending the route of the trans-European corridors towards this country while cutting ties with Russia and Belarus and on the other hand by guaranteeing that the infrastructures of transport allow the mobility of military vehicles.
Dominique RIQUET (Mouvement Radical Social-Libéral, France), European Parliament co-rapporteur for the revision of the regulation on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T), said:
"As rapporteur, I am pleased to see a strong majority form in Parliament to ensure and increase the ambition of the TEN-T review. Transport infrastructure is essential, as it is the backbone of our economy and our prosperity, while strengthening cohesion and contributing to the achievement of the Union's climate objectives. But we are falling too far behind on the ground, Europe is starting to fall behind our international competitors, and the Union is suffering from too little investment and a lack of political will on the part of the Member States . As such, Parliament will ensure that we have an effective TEN-T regulation that meets the expectations of our businesses and our citizens”