For Renew Europe, third country investments in EU ports require a common strategic approach

For Renew Europe, it is important to have a common European strategic approach to the increase in investments from third countries in Union ports in order to protect our critical infrastructure against any unwanted foreign influence and control. This is the subject of the report approved today by the plenary session of the European Parliament meeting in Strasbourg which urges the European Commission to present a European port strategy by the end of 2024, highlighting the risk of economic dependence, espionage and sabotage but also the need to maintain a competitive framework for port activities.
Bergur Løkke RASMUSSEN (Denmark, Moderaterne), Renew Europe shadow rapporteur for the European ports strategy in the parliamentary committee on Transport (TRAN), said: “I’m very satisfied with how the Port Strategy initiative report has landed. While we keep an eye on investments from outside the EU in our ports, we still manage to make this strategy focused on the ports, as they are crucial for the cohesion in EU and they play an important role in the green transition”.
As a pro-European and centrist group, it was very important for Renew Europe that a common European ports strategy emphasises the key role of European ports for the economy and recognises the role of ports in the green transitions of the maritime industry. Furthermore, given the current context in several major European ports, the report mentions the urgency of increasing security in the fight against illicit drugs and organized crime.
The report finally underlines the importance of having a European approach so as not to weaken the competitive position of certain ports which would see foreign investments limited in one Member State and not in another. We therefore welcome that the report focuses on giving the necessary support for the continued development of European ports.