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1721203049278 20240717 EP 170515 E LD2 EG 016 MOBILE

European Parliament’s inaugural resolution pledges continuous support for Ukraine, condemns Viktor Orbán

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament will adopt a clear call today for enhanced solidarity and support for Ukraine, especially from international partners, at an important moment before US Presidential elections. Supported and shaped by the Renew Europe Group, the resolution notes that military assistance…
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Ukraine Moldova EU Accession landscape

Renew Europe is fully committed to Ukraine and Republic of Moldova’s future in the European family

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s launch of the EU accession…
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1707211897393 20240206 EP 163730 D AR2 EG 064 MOBILE 1

Russiagate: Renew Europe calls for urgent investigation into allegations of Russian interference in the European Parliament and forthcoming European elections

Type: Press Release

The President of Renew Europe, Valérie Hayer, has written to President of the European Parliament,…
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1707214894284 20240206 EP 163841 A AH1 0078 MOBILE

EU Security: Renew Europe spearheads call for a leap forward in European Defence

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has today advocated a collective effort to get serious on security and defence.…
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Military support to kyiv landscape

Renew Europe calls for swift decisions and actions by the EU leaders, who must deliver the promised aid to Ukraine

Type: Press Release

The need for unwavering EU support for Ukraine must translate into clear actions and decisions by…
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Military support to kyiv landscape 1

European Parliament leaders demand decisive support for Ukraine

Type: Press Release

Ahead of the special European Summit of the 1st February, the leaders of the main groups in the…
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Military support to kyiv landscape

Ukraine: Renew Europe instigates cross-party call for an urgent increase in military support

Type: Press Release

In light of increased Russian attacks against civilians in Ukraine, the Renew Europe Group in the…
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Asset Recovery Directive: Deal on rules to freeze and confiscate criminal assets will “break the working methods of criminals”

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group welcomes the deal on a Directive to speed up the freezing and confiscation…
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We are Ukraine Landscape

Ukraine Facility: EU funding must be used along with the frozen assets of Russian oligarchs to rebuild the country

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s adoption by the Committees on…
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EPP Ovisual

Expand EPPO's mandate to stop Russian oligarchs from circumventing EU sanctions

Type: Press Release

Since Russia's aggression on Ukraine started, the EU has put in place mounting sanctions against…
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