Following the debate in the European Parliament on the health, social and economic impact of the Coronavirus, and ahead of the video-conference call of EU leaders on COVID - 19, the Renew Europe Group has called for a coordinated European response, on all aspects of this crisis.
Dacian Ciolos, MEP, President of Renew Europe said today:
"The EU must lead efforts, with the private sector, to find a vaccine and treatments and to ensure that all across Europe, frontline health professionals have the equipment they need. The most vulnerable groups should be protected, and that’s also the purpose of the measures taken by our institutions to slow down the spread of the virus and avoid a scenario that would put our health systems across Europe under unsustainable tensions. The economic impact must be anticipated and well-coordinated in order to ensure our companies can overcome the immediate challenges of the crisis and an ambitious action plan must already be discussed to mobilise all possible instruments at EU and national level to make sure that the European economy not only strives, but also rebounds. This crisis shows the necessity for a strong EU budget and lessons must be taken into account when negotiating the next MFF."
Frédérique Ries MEP, Vice President of the Renew Europe Group and member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety said:
“The EU must now consider stronger measures and seize the opportunities offered by this serious health crisis to regain technological control in strategic areas such as the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) essential for the manufacture of medicines and vaccines or personal protective equipment essential to medical professions and contaminated people.”
“It is important we act to set up a common European protocol for active response, including, amongst others, the development of a pilot vaccine against COVID-19, and the development of diagnostics and antivirals, while the European Medicines Agency needs to be able to conduct phase I and phase II clinical studies especially in cases of emergencies such as the coronavirus outbreak”
“The establishment of a network of excellence of reference hospitals in health emergencies engaged in the study and treatment of infectious diseases is also at the core of our EU action plan”
Luis Garicano MEP, Coordinator for Renew Europe on the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee said today:
“The EU has to be ready for the economic consequences of this pandemic. Unilateral actions will only lead to nationalism”
Dragoş Pîslaru MEP, member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs said:
"The Coronavirus epidemic threatens to lead to major social consequences for the daily lives of families and workers across the EU. The crisis underlines the need to create, invest in and make use of digital solutions, to assist workers in crisis areas or who have to endure quarantine conditions. Therefore, I appeal to public institutions and private companies to encourage teleworking and flexible working time for workers, in order to limit social interactions, but also for those parents who must remain home to take care of their children in situations in which schools are quarantined."