Launching Renew Europe's Commitments to further the rights of Persons with Disabilities

By 2020, one-fifth of the EU population is expected to have some form of disability. People with disabilities continue to face unacceptable barriers, challenges and discrimination in their daily lives and are among one of the groups hit hardest by the COVID-19 crisis. Today the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament is launching its commitments to ensure and expand the rights of persons with disabilities and calls for concrete steps towards creating an inclusive European society based on equality and full accessibility for everyone. Renew Europe will host today from 15-16:30h a public hearing with Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, the European Disability Forum, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities and others to discuss how to remove physical, digital, logistical and social barriers in the workplace and the environment.
Radka Maxová, MEP, initiator of Renew Europe’s position paper and co-host of the webinar says:
“The rights of persons with disabilities have often been insufficiently protected. But we in Renew Europe look forward and declare our commitment to turn this around and take practical, concrete steps to create a truly inclusive society. Today at the webinar we will launch our paper "Renew Europe's Commitments to Ensure the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" that will guide our steps in this regard.”
Dragoş Pîslaru, MEP, co-host and Renew Europe Coordinator of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, presents the group’s initiative:
“It is a great joy for me to launch this position paper undertaken by the Renew Europe Group through a dialogue with actors involved in European policy-making on the rights of persons with disabilities, colleagues in the Parliament, the European Commissioner for Equality and representatives of organizations that know best the reality of persons with disabilities. We need to take concrete steps to provide access and opportunity for persons with disabilities, and the Renew Europe group is giving a strong signal of will, solidarity and collaboration through the commitments it makes through this position paper.”
Link to the event
Click here to download the full pdf document