Four and a half years since the publication of the proposal on the Hired Vehicles Directive by the Commission, as part of the Mobility Package I, the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement yesterday evening. This agreement allows for the use of vehicles hired in another Member States for at least two consecutive months in any given calendar year to enable undertakings to meet temporary or seasonal demand peaks and to replace defective or damaged vehicles. This legislation also enables the use of safer and cleaner vehicles, which is also in line with our Green Deal ambitions.
Izaskun Bilbao BARANDICA, Renew Europe shadow rapporteur in the Parliamentary Committee (TRAN), said: "This agreement is the result of an effort to reconcile two legitimate and essential interests for the EU - the competitiveness of the Union and road safety. Hauliers working with hired vehicles will see their operational costs reduced and will acquire the flexibility they need to improve their customer services. Consequently, service quality and prices will also improve. We made sure that the public authorities, which need resources to maintain roads, will not be affected by the use on their territory of vehicles rented and registered in other Member states."