The Renew Europe Group has warned that, with European elections just over one year away, progress is urgently needed towards European level solutions to asylum and migration challenges. Ahead of their special summit next week, Renew Europe calls on EU leaders to uphold their part of the Joint Roadmap agreed last year between the European Parliament and the Council, an initiative taken by Renew Europe to undo the blockage and implement the Migration and Asylum Pact before the end of the mandate.
While some political groups grandstand about fantasy and populist solutions to stop migrants entering the EU, Renew Europe believes that united, Europe can in an orderly and dignified way put in place a common European, sustainable asylum and migration pact combining the two principles of solidarity and responsibility. Migration cannot be the Cinderella of EU achievements. Renew Europe wants real effort, less rhetoric, concrete delivery and less fairy tale solutions.
Malik Azmani MEP (VVD, Netherlands), Vice President of Renew Europe and Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, said:
“The time for real progress on the Migration and Asylum Pact is now. Responsibility and Solidarity must go hand in hand. We cannot risk another summer of infighting over Europe’s borders. Instead of rhetoric and fairy tales, we need real focus and concrete delivery. EU leaders must next week recommit to the joint roadmap concluded between the European Parliament and the European Council last year, at the behest of Renew Europe.”