Ratification of the EU - UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement is ‘no blank cheque’ warns Renew Europe

Author: Hugues Stéphane Beaudouin
Ahead of the European Parliament’s vote on the EU - UK trade and cooperation agreement, Renew Europe MEPs have today called for vigilance to ensure both the Withdrawal Agreement and the TCA are implemented, so the damage of Brexit is limited as much as possible, whilst ensuring the interests of Europeans are protected.
In a debate ahead of the consent vote and its accompanying resolution, Renew Europe 1st Vice President Malik Azmani MEP said:
‘Five years since the Brexit Referendum we see that leaving the EU was not as easy as the Brexiteers promised; instead it has led to serious collateral damage. Renew Europe is not yet convinced about the willingness of the British Government to respect its commitments. This agreement is no blank cheque; trust needs to be rebuilt.’
‘Working with the current UK Government means managing divergences instead of convergence, which has costs for both sides. Renew Europe hopes for a return of cooperation and good faith under current and future UK Governments.’
Nathalie Loiseau MEP, Renew Europe member of the United Kingdom Coordination Group and shadow rapporteur said:
‘Our responsibility as MEPs is to limit the damage of Brexit as much as possible. This is what we must do today by ratifying the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which allows us to continue privileged relations with our British partners while protecting the interests of Europeans.’
‘We must ensure that the commitments made by the British government are fully respected and this means our parliamentary control must also be unprecedented. Worryingly, tensions are resurfacing in Northern Ireland, where the peace remains fragile, where the EU's role in the Good Friday Agreement was arguably underestimated and the difficulties inherent in Brexit totally ignored. ‘
‘The British authorities are increasing their red tape towards European fishermen. Here again, the Commission must calmly but firmly demand that the agreement be respected and protect our fishermen. What we have defended throughout the negotiations, we will ensure is respected in the years to come. In all respects and in this Parliament too, the time for naivety is over.’
For more information, please contact
Hughes Beaudouin
Mob : +32 473 400 129